Home > Garett & Richard's Sci-Fi Chat Oct. 4/99
Garett Maggart and Richard Burgi Chat @ Sci-Fi Auditorium Oct. 4/99 |
*** Moderator sets mode: +m [21:06] <Moderator> Sorry -- the machinery is slow tonight, boys and girls... [21:07] *** Moderator sets mode: +v GMaggart [21:07] *** Moderator sets mode: +v RBurgi [21:07] <Moderator> Can you type Richard & Garrett? [21:07] <RBurgi> I can type [21:08] <Moderator> Cool! [21:08] <Moderator> <DariaRaven> to <Moderator>: I would like to know if Garret has a pierced nipple? [21:08] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> to <Moderator>: The fans are working hard to try and get a 5th season. Are you both interested in continuing on with The Sentinel, should that happen? [21:08] <Moderator> To RBurgi > Holkd on [21:08] <Moderator> <LadyNiteRaven> to <Moderator>: My Question is: Will The Sentinel series continue on the Sci-fi channel like 'Sliders' did, or will it just be the re-runs? [21:08] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> to <Moderator>: Do you think fans identify more with Blair or with Jim? [21:08] <Moderator> <miselaineous> to <Moderator>: WELL Fix it SOOOON please. [21:08] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> to <Moderator>: Garett, if there is a 5th season, would you want Blair to become a cop? Why or why not? [21:08] <Moderator> <graywulf> to <Moderator>: What projects have you been working on? (besides Action <grin>) Any movies coming up or other guest appearances? [21:08] <Moderator> <Rike> to <Moderator>: Hi from Germany - I would love to know what plans Garett has at the moment [21:08] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> to <Moderator>: What type of episode did you want to do but didn't get the chance to? [21:08] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> to <Moderator>: Are we to infer that the Major Crimes gang saw through Blair's claims that Jim was not a Sentinel, since they accepted Blair into their fold with open arms. [21:08] <Moderator> Ooops! [21:08] <Moderator> Forget that... [21:08] <Moderator> Let's try THIS! [21:08] <Moderator> Hi everyone and thanks for joining us. Tonight's cyberchat guests are [21:08] <Moderator> RICHARD BURGI and GARRETT MAGGART, the stars of THE SENTINEL. The [21:08] <Moderator> series is currently being broadcast four shows at a time on Tuesday [21:08] <Moderator> nights on The Sci-Fi Channel (although the pilot and one other episode [21:08] <Moderator> aired last night.) Check your local listings or our schedulebot for the [21:08] <Moderator> times. [21:09] <Moderator> Brief word about the drill -- this is a moderated chat and that means if [21:09] <Moderator> you have a question for either Richard or Garrett (or both!), you will [21:09] <Moderator> need to send it to me, Moderator, as a private message. (Just [21:09] <Moderator> double-click on my name to enter private message mode) [21:09] <Moderator> First question: [21:09] <Moderator> <AgtSpooky> The fans are working hard to try and get a 5th season. Are you both interested in continuing on with The Sentinel, should that happen? [21:10] <RBurgi> Of course. Sure . Let it rip [21:10] <GMaggart> Me too [21:10] <GMaggart> GA [21:10] <Moderator> Garrett -- great answwer but you're still in private message mode to ME. [21:10] <Moderator> Can you repeat? [21:11] <RBurgi> I 'd love to [21:11] *** Moderator sets mode: +v GMaggart [21:11] <RBurgi> GA [21:11] <Moderator> Great! [21:11] <Moderator> tany> t Hi from Texas, Garett...Messrs. Bilson and DeMeo have indicated that if there had been (insert: we hope there still will be!) a fifth season, Blair would not have ended up a cop - would have "flunked out" of the Academy. What do you know of this potential direction, and what do you see happening to your character? [21:12] <GMaggart> That's the first I've heard of that. Whatever they wanted to do would have been fine w/ me [21:12] <GMaggart> GA [21:13] <RBurgi> GA [21:13] <Moderator> (For everyone who's wondering -- Riuchard and Garrett have not become agents for Georgia travel -- GA means "go ahead.") [21:13] <Moderator> <ShamanCat> Richard and Garett, we miss you together! Would you team up again for another show, and if so, what roles would you like to play? [21:14] <RBurgi> I'd be happy playing anything with him [21:14] <GMaggart> I'd like to do a Lucy and Ricky thing [21:15] <GMaggart> I waant to be Lucy [21:15] <GMaggart> GA [21:15] <Moderator> gup> : For Garett: Have you keep the Blair look (the long hair) [21:15] <Moderator> [21:15] <RBurgi> I'd do anything with him [21:15] <RBurgi> GA [21:16] <GMaggart> No. The hair's all gone. I look great [21:16] <Moderator> So Garrett -- did you see the last question? Have you kept the "Blair" look? [21:16] <GMaggart> GA [21:16] <Moderator> gup> : For Garett: Have you keep the Blair look (the long hair) [21:16] <Moderator> [21:16] <RBurgi> He look s like Art Garfunkel [21:16] <RBurgi> GA [21:16] <Moderator> marmoset> Mr Maggart: I want to thank you for breathing life into "Blair" -- a character that could have been a caricature -- and turning him into a 3-dimensional 'person' -- one of the most unique characters on television today. If you get a chance to develop him further, how would you do so? [21:17] <GMaggart> I would have done more with his family history [21:17] <GMaggart> The mother and father [21:17] <GMaggart> GA [21:17] <Moderator> stargazer455> : Hi from Wisconsin. For both Richard and Garrett: What do you think of all the fan support and have you visited any of the websites devoted to the Sentinel? [21:18] <GMaggart> I thin k the fan support has been incredible and I've seen some of the sites [21:18] <RBurgi> I appreciate the support of the 300 fans we keep seeing at conventions... And I wouldn't know how to get on a web site [21:18] <RBurgi> GA [21:18] <Moderator> Richard? Any thoughts on cyber-fandom? [21:18] <Moderator> <wnnepooh> : Garret and Rich: A lot of your fans see you now primarily as Blair and Jim, Jim and Blair, and then look for Simon. How does this hit you as actors? Do you think it'll be hard for casting agents to get past that? [21:18] <GMaggart> GA [21:20] <RBurgi> I don't feel type case, but you nmever know [21:20] <GMaggart> I haven't experienced it. [21:20] <GMaggart> GA [21:20] <Moderator> <graywulf> : For both gentlemen: What other projects have you been working on? Any guest appearances coming up? [21:20] <RBurgi> Most casting agents never saw the show [21:20] <RBurgi> GA [21:20] <Moderator> ALSO -- people you need to slow down with the questions!!! We're locking the system up. [21:20] <Moderator> Lemme repeat that last one just in case... [21:20] <Moderator> <graywulf> : For both gentlemen: What other projects have you been working on? Any guest appearances coming up? [21:21] <GMaggart> I have nothing in the works [21:21] <Moderator> And as if you didn't know... [21:21] <Moderator> For latecomers -- our guests tonight are Richard Burgi and Garrett [21:21] <Moderator> Maggart who star in THE SENTINEL. THE SENTINEL airs Tuesday nights on [21:21] <Moderator> The Sci-Fi Channel -- check your local listings or our schedulebot for [21:21] <Moderator> the times. Got a question for Richard or Garrett? Shoot it to me, [21:21] <Moderator> Moderator, as a private message. (Just double-click on my name for [21:21] <Moderator> private message mode.) [21:21] <RBurgi> I did Action [21:21] <RBurgi> GA [21:21] <GMaggart> GA [21:22] <Moderator> <AnnT> : So, Richard, has the stuff on Action been the same as your Hollywood experiences? [21:22] <RBurgi> It's very hard to seperate the two [21:22] <RBurgi> GA [21:22] <Moderator> <alyjude> to <Moderator>: To RB and GM: Do either of you have a desire to get behind the camera? ie; direct? [21:23] <RBurgi> I think Jay is kinder than most producers and smarter! [21:23] <RBurgi> Directing... [21:23] <GMaggart> Sure, I'd direct [21:23] <GMaggart> But Richard would be good at it [21:23] <GMaggart> GA [21:23] <Moderator> <marmoset> : Garett: In a previous chat, you said that you wished they had developed the relationship between Jim and Blair a bit further in the 4th season. If there is a 5th season, what aspects of that relationship would you like to expand on or go into? [21:23] <RBurgi> Of course I would [21:24] <GMaggart> The hands on stuff. Touching...You know...ACTION [21:24] <GMaggart> GA [21:24] <Moderator> <HandyAl> : <HandyAl>Hi there from the Uk, some of us are still waiting to see the series what would you say to encourage our net works to buy your show? [21:25] <RBurgi> Lemme answer that last one for G... There was too much exposition last season [21:26] <RBurgi> Sound bite... WE RULE [21:26] <RBurgi> I dunno [21:27] <Moderator> Catchy sound byte -- you can DANCE to it! [21:27] <RBurgi> It's a great action show. We kick every other shows ass. [21:27] <RBurgi> GA [21:27] <Moderator> <kimba> : Since the show was taken off UPN ,What is the best address to send letters to? [21:28] <GMaggart> Send them to Paramount... That'll teach'em. [21:28] <GMaggart> GA [21:28] <Moderator> dawnc> what is your fondest or funniest memory of working with one another on the set of The Sentinel? [21:28] <RBurgi> GA [21:29] <RBurgi> I'd say all of them. There are so many. [21:29] <GMaggart> I'd say the float tank, but we won't get into that. And the pilot [21:29] <GMaggart> It was all fun [21:29] <GMaggart> GA [21:29] <Moderator> <SentinelZizou> : Hi from Italy!... Richard and Garrett... What did you think when the UPN cancelled "The Sentinel" just after the last, breathtaking episode? [21:30] <RBurgi> Great goofs [21:30] <RBurgi> GA [21:30] <RBurgi> In a word... Idiots [21:30] <GMaggart> Me too. Those exact words. Then I went to Venice [21:30] <GMaggart> GA [21:31] <Moderator> <PA> Do the two of you stay in touch with your former castmates? [21:31] <Moderator> For latecomers -- our guests tonight are Richard Burgi and Garrett [21:31] <Moderator> Maggart who star in THE SENTINEL. THE SENTINEL airs Tuesday nights on [21:31] <Moderator> The Sci-Fi Channel -- check your local listings or our schedulebot for [21:31] <Moderator> the times. Got a question for Richard or Garrett? Shoot it to me, [21:31] <Moderator> Moderator, as a private message. (Just double-click on my name for [21:31] <Moderator> private message mode.) [21:31] <GMaggart> Definitely. Just talked to Bruce last night. [21:31] <GMaggart> GA [21:31] <RBurgi> I loved those guys. [21:31] <RBurgi> GA [21:31] <Moderator> gup> Was the "nipple ring" an add-lib or does Blair have one or not? [21:32] <GMaggart> If the show gets picked up again, you'll find out [21:32] <GMaggart> GA [21:32] <Moderator> <erin>: What are the possibilities for a Sentinel movie? [21:33] <GMaggart> Nope. Haven't heard [21:33] <GMaggart> GA [21:33] <RBurgi> No [21:33] <Moderator> dawnc> : Garrett, were you ever a bit unnerved by fan attention? [21:34] <GMaggart> At first. As anybody would be when it's new. You don't really ever get comfortable with it [21:34] <GMaggart> GA [21:34] <Moderator> <kandacek> to <Moderator>: Danny and Paul said there was a bit too much addlibbing that went on occasionally. Did they try to say "cut it out?" [21:35] <RBurgi> All the time [21:35] <GMaggart> Nobody ever told me not to ad lib [21:35] <GMaggart> GA [21:35] <Moderator> <TAE> : In 'The Real Deal', the lines about the pork chops seemed to indicate that the characters don't eat pork, was that written, or ad libed? [21:36] <RBurgi> We were given the jobs because we could ad lib [21:36] <RBurgi> That was encouraged because it made the show work [21:36] <RBurgi> Then they got scared of the content and looked to the actors as the problem [21:36] <RBurgi> GA [21:36] <Moderator> <ceej> : Hello from Connecticut,where the leaves are turning and it's beautiful! For both: What is your favorite locale in the US? [21:37] <GMaggart> CT... Where I was raised! [21:38] <RBurgi> We had a lovely vacation in CT out the coast last fall. The CT River [21:38] <RBurgi> GA [21:38] <Moderator> Leya> : "Does your onscreen best friend bond translate well to your offscreen lives? And how similar are your personalities to the characters you portray?" Session Close: Mon Oct 04 21:39:46 1999 At this point the server crashed. The numbers have been Reported anywhere from 341 to 461 attendees – and the moderator indictated (see below) that the server maxed out at 350…. Session Start: Mon Oct 04 21:59:18 1999 [21:59] *** Now talking in #auditorium [22:01] *** Moderator sets mode: +o Moderator [22:02] *** Moderator sets mode: +o Moderator [22:04] *** pdil sets mode: +o pdil [22:04] *** pdil sets mode: -m [22:05] <pdil> Hi everyone -- are you there? [22:05] <pdil> Okay! [22:05] <pdil> DID ANY OF YOU GET BUMPED OFF TOO? [22:05] <pdil> YES, WE CRASHED THE SERVER (THIS IS THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN AS MODERATOR BY THE WAY...) [22:06] <pdil> YES THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO. [22:06] <pdil> I HAD TO LET POOR RICHARD AND GARRETT GO BECAUSE RICHARD'S FOUR YEAR OLD WAS GETTING RESTLESS AND GARRETT WAS HUNGRY! [22:07] <pdil> IT'S NOT SCIFI.COM'S FAULT -- WHEN THERE ARE TOO MANY USERS ON AN IRC-TYPE SERVER, IT CRASHES. [22:08] <pdil> I SAVED THE ENTIRE TRANSCRIPT AND ASKED RICHARD AND GARRETT A FEW OF THE QUESTIONS THAT I HAD SAVED FROM THE QUESTION QUEUE SO WE WILL ADD THOSE TO THE TRANSCRIPT. [22:08] <pdil> NOBODY BUGGIN3. [22:08] <pdil> POWER TO THE PEOPLE! [22:09] <pdil> I KNOW IT MUST BE VERY FRUSTRATING TO THOSE OF YOU WHO WAITED A LONG TIME TO GET YOUR QUESTION IN THE QUEUE. [22:09] <pdil> I'M REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT. [22:09] <pdil> STORMY, THE ROOIM MAXES OUT AT JUST UNDER 350 (I THINK) SOI WE MUST HAVE REACHED THAT NUMBER -- AND SOME. |
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Home > Garett & Richard's Sci-Fi Chat Oct. 4/99